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Get to the top with Two Moons

Two Moons Brand Web Marketing

SEO Perth - Get More Organic Traffic with Two Moons

  • Google Certified
  • Conversion Focused
  • Content Creation
  • Tailored Strategies

Two Moons is the SEO company you’ve been searching for in Perth.

An official Google Partner, Two Moons is a fully-qualified, Perth-based digital marketing agency with proven expertise in delivering impactful search engine optimisation (SEO) services that make websites move up the ranking and achieve page 1 results.

Our team is highly-skilled and experienced. Two Moons’ SEO experts have years of proven success and can provide the best search engine optimisation packages available in Perth.

Website browsing

More than just SEO.

Where we really excel is our depth of marketing expertise across a broad range of industries, and business types. You see, we are more than just SEO specialists and keyword analysts.

As a full-service agency we are digital marketers, branding experts and communications professionals and will use our collective knowhow to provide you with a tailored SEO and content strategy that will generate results and long-term business growth.

Let's talk

Our process will shine a light on your brand's strengths & goals, enabling us to position you for success.

A Two Moons SEO strategy can push you to the first page of Google.

Google Certified

As a Google Certified Agency, we are highly-skilled at uncovering keywords and search terms that will give your website the leading SEO edge.

Content Creation

Our SEO specialists are talented content creators and can provide recommendations and copywriting services that will not only positively impact your SEO, but give your website visitors a more engaging user experience.

Conversion Focused

We have a solid understanding of how best to bring your content and SEO keywords together in a way that will make your website rank and drive qualified visits. When your visitors are getting what they need from your website, they’ll be more likely to become your newest customer.

Our SEO Approach

Initial Analysis

We meet to understand your goals and current SEO status.

Keyword Research

Our SEO specialists undertake extensive research of which keywords will positively impact your rankings the best.

Competitor Analysis

It’s exactly what it sounds like. We use our state-of-the-art technology to monitor and track competitor SEO performance and see where you sit in the mix.

On-page SEO

Our SEO team works to structure the content on your website so that your users have a positive experience, and Google also loves it.


We ensure that your business is listed in every important online directory that is relevant to your industry.

Back-end SEO

Some of the most important work is done here and if not done by an SEO specialist, is the easiest way to blacklist your website and your domain name (web address).


We provide regular reporting to our SEO clients ensuring they understand the terminology, and we understand any changing goals or needs for your business.

Ongoing optimisation

Our team will ensure you are informed of the need for your website to maintain current rich and relevant information, and compliance with Googles SEO policies.

Demystifying SEO

SEO is a technical process, ever-changing and can be confusing for the inexperienced. A lot of our Perth and Australia-wide clients come to Two Moons unsure where to begin with SEO, or how much budget to set aside for an SEO strategy. Many clients are in the dark about how Google rewards websites with a solid search engine optimisation strategy in place, and are therefore unsure why their websites aren’t ranking on page one.  Let’s address a few of the SEO questions we often hear from our clients.

What exactly is SEO?

SEO (or Search Engine Optimisation) is the process of making your website better for search engines to place pages of your site in front of people who are actively searching online, using relevant terms to your businesses service or product offerings. It is based on a range of different factors, including providing useful content, crafted pages titles, details of your business, descriptions your potential customers may use, and a whole lot more.

Is SEO the same as SEM?

No. SEM, or search engine marketing, is often referred to Google Ads and is a form of paid digital advertising. Businesses that are running SEM campaigns will have a small ‘Ad’ box appear in their search results and are found at the top of page one.  

When we refer to ‘organic search’ results we are referring to the unpaid website listings that organically appear under paid ads. These businesses will have a powerful SEO strategy in place that blends technical expertise behind the scenes with engaging and keyword-rich content.

Does SEO really work?

Yes, it does work if it is done properly. One of the most important factors is your website. If it has been designed and coded properly, loads quickly, and provides a good user experience then Google will favour this site over others in your industry that don’t meet these criteria. There is on-page work and off-page work we do that assists in pushing the site up the rankings.

How long does SEO take?

If SEO is done properly, it will take time. Pushing a site too quickly can result in penalties from Google. We expect to see results of movement to the front page or at least high up on page two by month 3 - 4. This of course is dependent on the site’s quality and the levels of competition, but we will always provide you with a timeframe of what we expect to see.

What does an SEO company do?

We work with you and your website to ensure it looks and performs at its best. We ensure you have the right content and that can include adding more content to pages, restyling the pages to ensure a good user response. It’s no good being on the front page if people don’t like what they find or can’t find what they are looking for in your website.

We also conduct off page activities, such as ensuring your listings throughout the website are all the same. It’s no good having your business address as something different across different directory sites.

There are many other activities, but these are closely guarded by our SEO experts. After all, if we give away our secrets then we are no longer competitive. Our results are what speaks for our activities.

Why should my website have an SEO strategy in place?

89% of people searching on Google will click on a website listing found on the first page of their search results. Without a solid SEO strategy in place, your business won’t be found in Google and is likely to be missing out on business. SEO is critical - it’s as simple as that.

How much does SEO cost?

We’re keen SEO educators and believe in providing SEO services that excel  and benefit your business. We know that having an SEO strategy that works is important to you, but we also know that keeping costs down is just as critical. SEO costs can vary depending on the level of competition and how many services or products you wish to feature on the front page.

We invite you to have a coffee with us and discuss your SEO strategy so we can give you an accurate figure.

Is SEO worth it?

It is, so long as you test and measure the results of being on the front page. Too often people focus on putting a website on the front page for certain search terms, however the website itself does not convert. We say, “If you’re going to hire a salesman (your website) make sure he can sell.”

Why is SEO so important?

SEO is about having your website found on the front page of Google for the search terms relating to your business’ offerings. It adds a level of credibility and respectability to your business. There are many who refuse to click on Google ads so you need to be found quickly and we know most people never go to page 2 of the search results.

How do I choose the right SEO company?

By making sure they understand what it is you are wanting to achieve. It must go further than just getting to the front page. Work with a company that understands marketing and how a website is built and maintained.

Make sure the prices aren’t too high or too low. Shop around.

We feel our prices are very competitive, especially given the results we achieve and the work we put into our clients’ websites and marketing initiatives.

Make sure you can see a return on investment. You should achieve reasonable results within 3 – 6 months. If not, then stop the service and find a company that will get you the results at a reasonable price.

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